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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Inspirational Crap

Japanese magician Shoot Ogawa has said that the way to make your magic more appealing is to "watch popular things, T.V., movies, music. They're popular because people like them, so, if your magic includes elements from them, people will like your magic, too." (I paraphrase a bit.) I have found a few videos on the 'Net, all of which have been are continue to be popular, that I think are particularly funny, poignant, or downright kooky. Enjoy these clips and see if you can learn some pointers about setting the mood with your magic.

- Ultimate Showdown - One of the most catchy tunes I've heard in a while, the video that accompanies it is well done and rather funny. Notice how random pop references can be funny if well-timed. While not everybody is going to know who everybody in that video is, those who do will laugh extra hard. Mike Bent, a great kid show and all-around magician, said that he will insert jokes that only 1 or 2 people may get. Eventually everyone will get "their" joke; these jokes are often the funniest and most memorable for the audience.

- "Hurt" by Johnny Cash - The most poignant and moving music video of all time. Director Mark Romanek has combined stark, revealing footage of an aging Cash, interior shots of a flood-destroyed tribute to Cash, and actual footage from Cash's career. Even more haunting, June, Cash's wife, makes an appearance at the end; she died soon after, followed by Cash. As MTV wrote in an article about Cash, "Many music videos tend to be about escape and illusion — the illusion of fame, wealth, sex, glamour and fantasy. The video for Johnny Cash's 'Hurt' isn't about any of those things. It deals with a theme not so common in music videos: reality."

- "Hooked on a Feeling" by David Hasselhoff - Holy shit. What happens when you combine David Hasselhoff, the worst green screening you've ever seen, and salmon? The most ridiculous, poorly produced, non-sensical music video. Ever. How do you take a normal person and make him into a surreal character? Just do everything this music video's director did.


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