Review Crap, Part I: The Good
Pagliacci presents...
These blogs are the best of the best, at least in my opinion. They're funny, witty, and smart. All I can say is this: if you want some good advice, a good laugh, or both, CHECK THESE OUT.
Magic Circle Jerk - MCJ was the first magic blog out there (at least the first widely read one). It's also one of the best. Andy is hilarious and usually dead-on with his satire.
Magic Mafia - This blog isn't always about magic - which is why I love it. Funny and updated multiple times a day (thanks to the multiple authors), the blog definitely has the ABCs of blogging - amusement, babes, and conjuring.
Magic Whack - Mr. Whack left this comment to my previous post:
Mr Whack said...
If you decide to do your review rankings in a similar way to online-visions then I'll have to settle for an in-a-blink 1 or 2 out of 10 because I'm not prepared to suck cock.
Mr. Whack doesn't have t0 resort to oral sex because his blog is bloody fantastic. Magic Whack is like Magic Circle Jerk's wacky younger brother - and trust me, that's a compliment.
Cardopolis - I really like this blog. Yes, author David Britland takes his time between posts, but I think that all the time is invested in making each post so friggin' amazing. There are some really, really strong routines on that blog - and they're free for anybody who reads the blog. That's a pretty incredible thing.
Next post: I check out the bad. This should be fun. Some of you magic bloggers out there, beware - you may think about wearing out your current assholes 'cuz I'll be ripping you guys some new ones.
[By the way, that woman at the top of the post is Tara Monroe, star of Little Magicians. So, so hott right now.]
[And yes, I did mean "hott" with two T's.]